Furore Access Card or Keyfob
Using this page you can order an access card or keyfob programmed to allow access to your building.
Please note: for access to the parking garage with a car, you should order a card, not a keyfob. This is to ensure optimal reading distance with the equipment.
EasyLogic ensures:
- registration of the user and card in the systems;
- link access to the correct doors and groups;
- printing of cards (e.g. with your name, not available with a keyfob)
- adressing a letter with the access card and or programmed keyfob,
- delivery within 5 working days at your address.
Please ensure:
- that you download and fill out the form
- send it via e-mail to "sales@easylogic.nl"
- put one of these products in your shopping basket
- and pay us using IDEAL.
Shipping costs are included in the price.